Coronavirus / Covid-19 explained - How to be safe
What is Coronavirus / Covid-19?
Coronavirus / Covid-19 is a newly discovered deadly virus that has taken its toll in more than 185 countries around the globe. Initially started in Wuhan city, China in December 2019, this Coronavirus / Covid-19 is now considered as the global pandemic declared by the World Health Organization on March 11th, 2020. Although most patients have experienced mild to severe respiratory illness, it usually preys on elderly and adults who already have some sort of cardiovascular disease, cancer, lung diseases, diabetes or any other respiratory diseases that could make their immune system weak.
Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that usually cause diseases in animals and can jump from animal hosts to human hosts. So far, seven coronaviruses have been known to jump from animal to human including coronavirus / Covid-19. Once it has transferred into a human, it is spread from person to person and every infected individual may transfer the virus to more than two other persons, according to some studies data.
What are the symptoms of Coronavirus / Covid-19?
So far, people infected with Coronavirus / Covid-19 have been showing symptoms that resemble common flu. Cough, fever, shortness of breath, and fatigue seem to be the early symptoms that get developed within 14 days in a patient after its exposure. At the early stages, a patient may not know that he or she has been infected with Coronavirus / Covid-19 because symptoms are mild but in between that period, people with weak immune systems get severely sick. Anyone over 60 is likely to develop these symptoms in severity and they are considered of high risk. In severe cases, there are risks of lung pneumonia, kidney or organ failure in the body.
Some other symptoms include sore throat, body aches, nausea, runny nose, and diarrhea. These symptoms have been recorded only in a few patients.
How to avoid it
Basically, this virus spread through the droplets of saliva and discharge from the nose. Primarily, when an infected person coughs or sneeze, these droplets tend to transmit in the surroundings. This virus stays airborne for three hours and tends to transmit if another person come in contact with that surrounding or touches on that same spot where the virus is supposedly staying and then touch his/her nose, mouth, or face.
Right now, there is no cure for Coronavirus / Covid-19, so it is strongly recommended that people slow down the transmission of this virus. Considering the trajectory, the only way is to slow down its transmission while researchers and scientists are working on making vaccines and treatment plans. For now, WHO has followed the basic preventive measures such as:
- Protecting yourself and everyone around you by washing your hands with soap and water often. The duration of handwashing must be more than 20 seconds.
- Use alcohol-based sanitizers that have at least 60 % alcohol.
- Avoid touching your face in your normal routine, especially when your hands aren’t clean.
- If you think you have developed a few symptoms, wear masks and gloves and seek immediate medical attention.
- If you feel sick, do not share your household space or personal items with anyone else.
- Clean and disinfect all the items that you touch daily, such as mobile phones, laptops, doorknobs, etc.
- If you do cough or sneeze, make sure you cover your face or use the flexed elbow.
- Do not shake hands or touch any person even if you consider yourself healthy.
- It is advised for healthy people to stay at home, avoid any social gathering and if they must go out, maintain one-meter social distance.
- Avoid smoking or any other activity that could weaken your immune system.
- And since some patients didn’t even have any symptoms at all, if you have traveled somewhere recently, make sure to get tested for the safety of everyone.
- CDC recommends not wearing masks if you are healthy.
- Also, avoid raw or uncooked meat.
What to do if you feel sick?
The people with mild symptoms should self-isolate them self from the rest of the family and get in contact with their doctor, medical provider or Coronavirus / Covid-19 helpline to ask for test details and referrals. For those who have been tested positive should go into quarantine and in medical care provided by WHO and CDC in the hospitals.
How to be safe from Coronavirus / Covid-19
The answer is plain and simple, stay home. Since there are no medicines to treat this illness, preventive and supportive measures are our best shot. The doctors are giving ibuprofen and other painkiller, cough syrups and fluid intakes to the affected people. Rest is mandatory for them as well. The antibiotics are useless and the antiviral that we have against flu doesn’t work for Coronavirus / Covid-19. So, the best way is to practice good hygiene and maintain social distancing. If you are lucky enough to have a strong immune system, then there are chances that you can recover from it. So far, more than 86,000 infected people have recovered from Coronavirus /Covid-19 while more than 11,000 have lost their lives battling this virus. So isolation is so far the best way to be safe.
Does my Florida health insurance cover Coronavirus / Covid-19 testing?
With the global spread of coronavirus / Covid-19, many people are wondering about their health insurance. So far, free screening stations had been set up in every city of the United States and people can get their results within 72 hours. But it’s never too late to get ahead of your situation, especially when you are living in the US, where healthcare and health insurance is way more expensive than the rest of the world. Although president Trump has said in his speech that health insurance companies would co-pay the expenses for testing and screening in all states. The people with state-regulated insurance can waive copayment and deductibles for patients who need testing related to Coronavirus / Covid-19 that meets the criteria of CDC guidelines. Not only the state insurance companies but the private insurance companies have also announced relatable actions related to coronavirus outbreak internationally.
However, it is being reported that people have different incurred costs depending on their different health insurance plans and their insurance company policies. But the good thing is that all private insurance companies are on board to cover the Coronavirus / Covid-19 initial testing like any common flu, fever, and other illnesses like that. If you are a Florida resident and still have no health insurance, do not hesitate to call American US Insurance at 1-800-868-9170 for more information on how to get proper coverage.
If you are a healthy person and go for just the screening test, you will be tested for free but if you are somebody who has developed infections and has been admitted to the hospital for further evaluation, then you will have to pay from your own pocket as well as the insurance company. So, in these crucial times, it would be a good idea to save some money.
International health insurance companies have also been in motion for those who have been traveling in different countries. If you have bought a travel insurance plan before January 31st when this coronavirus outbreak wasn’t a known event, your travel insurance plan would cover the cost of any screening test at any airport. Right now all flights are canceled, but when things are back to normal, tourists who are visiting the US for any period of time, can also purchase international health insurance to cover their medical expenses when traveling to the US or visiting other countries from anywhere in the world. At American US Insurance we can provide you with a full list of options to help you with your health expenses while traveling.
American US Insurance & Coronavirus / Covid-19 situation
Although people with no health insurance are offered to get tested for coronavirus screening in the US without having to pay anything, they still need insurance to share the treatment expenses. American US Insurance is a full service insurance agency based in Boca Raton, Florida. We provide all sorts of insurance options to people that include personal insurance, business insurance, life insurance, auto insurance, and health insurance. Our goal is to provide low-cost insurance to every person in need in the state. If you are someone who doesn’t have any insurance plan in action, then come to us and we’ll help you qualify for a good low-cost health insurance plan. Our company has partnered up with other global insurance carriers to provide a great range of insurance plans that could suit anyone’s unique needs. Most important, we are here to help you seven days a week, working from home. We care about our customers, employees and their families, so we have decided not to close our doors and provide the same excellent service you deserve.
In this challenging time, when Coronavirus / Covid-19 could infect anyone, get yourself the right health insurance plan today to save up on your expenses. We also provide health coverages from Obamacare/ACA, where you could get qualified for low-income healthcare. Even though the open enrollment period is closed, you may still qualify for an special enrollment, under certain conditions or changes to your life such as a divorce where you lost health coverage, the loss of your job related health plan, changes to your legal status, and other conditions. Our licensed agents can guide you about the procedures and can answer any questions you may have by just calling American US Insurance at 1-800-868-9170.
Remember, in this such chaotic time the best thing to do for you and your loved ones, is to STAY HOME. We wish you to be safe. Everything will be part of the past soon. STAY STRONG & STAY HOME.