International Travel Insurance

International travel insurance is very important to consider before taking any trip. There are many scenarios in which you may be affected by not having a good travel insurance policy as carrying adequate coverage can protect you from unexpected expenses. At American US Insurance, we can offer you a wide variety of travel insurance options.
- Medical - this will provide coverage for medical needs when traveling. Medical assistance can help in the costs that might occur if there is an accident or if you need to be flown home in an emergency. Check with your agent if your health insurance provides this coverage as well.
- Trip cancellation - this will protect you if the company cancels the trip or if you get ill and cannot attend the trip or cancel early.
- Trip Interruption - will help you get reimbursed for any prepaid, unused, non-refundable travel expenses such as hotel nights, airport taxi fare and additional booked trips or excursions.
- Personal - this coverage protects you if your baggage or any personal belongings are lost or stolen. Also, check with the airline before purchasing this coverage to find out their limits & coverages. Checking with your homeowners policy as well, may save you some money if travel coverages exist.
- Accidental Death - this coverage would protect you or family member if someone dies on the trip. If you have adequate life insurance, you may not need this coverage.
- Terrorism - this coverage reimburses travelers who cancel or interrupt their trip due to a terrorist attack.
Travel Insurance Worldwide
There are many choices for you to consider related to travel insurance. Call American US Insurance to check your options.